Thursday 14 May 2015

Six Basic Steps of Draping

Draping is the art of creating a garment by arranging the fabric around a dress. This is usually done by using the fabric’s natural fall. For the uninitiated, draping involves techniques like pleating and gathering to create a dramatic effect. However, to master this art one needs to understand the basics. To help you go through this process, here are six basic steps for draping to get you started:


The first step is to have accurate measurements of the garment. Next, ensure to mark the centre line of the dress by using a tape. This helps to keep the draping even across the dress.


Preparing a sketch of your garment always helps in designing. But, in this form it gives you a clear idea about how you need to go about the drape. Here, your sketch will help you understand how to best manipulate the fabric in order to get the dramatic effect.  


This fabric is flexible in its thickness and volume. Thus, giving you a chance to experiment and play around as you desire.


Pinning is a process in which you pull the folds of the fabric together to create the draping design. Pinning will give you a good idea of how the garment will look after completion.

Basting the Fabric: 

Once you are finished with draping and pinning, the next step is to baste the fabric. Here, you can either sew the fabric to the foundation piece or you can sew the fabric itself to complete the draping process.


The last step is common across designing techniques. Trim off any excess fabrics that may remain after you are finished with draping. The raw edges of your draping should always be hidden neatly in the seams.
Each of the above steps are designed to help make the process of draping easier and develop your draping skills. Another thing that can help you refine your draping skills is a fashion school like Whistling Woods International- Neeta Lulla School of Fashion. Here you can explore various aspects of draping and many other crucial techniques used in fashion designing.

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